What does meditation do?

Meditation brings your mind and body into a state of inner peace. It improves your attention and concentration. Various studies have shown that meditation can have a positive effect on your brain waves. Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain can reduce with meditation.

There are different forms of meditation including:

  • Silence meditation
    Reducing thoughts to come to stillness and rest.

  • Guided meditation
    Following a story told by someone.

  • Mindfulness
    Focus on what you are feeling and experiencing at that moment without interpretation or judgment.

Form of meditation that are not seen as a meditation, are a form of meditative rest. Think of listening to music, dancing, walking or viewing a piece of art and being completely absorbed in that moment.

Buddha I
Vladimir Maliutin

Tu cuerpo cumplido con chakras

Chakras son los centros de energía en tu cuerpo. Hay 88.000 de chakras en tu cuerpo. Siete de estos (cuatro en tradiciones budistas) se consideran las chakras mayores. Cada chakra mayor tiene su función especial:

  • Root chakra - Muladhara - First chakra
    Color red. Location base of the spine. Element earth. The Muladhara gives you grounding and governs survival instincts.

  • Sacral chakra - Svadhishthana - Second chakra
    Color orange. Location lower abdomen. Element water. The Svadhisthana governs sensuality, sexuality and self-worth/-esteem.

  • Solar Plexus chakra - Manipura - Third chakra
    Color yellow. Location upper abdomen. Element fire. The Manipura governs impulse control and ego.

  • Heart chakra - Anahata - Fourth chakra
    Color green. Location center of the chest. Element air. The Anahata relates to compassion and love.

  • Throat chakra - Vishuddha - Fifth chakra
    Color blue. Location throat. The Vishuddha is the communication chakra. Flowing at optimum levels, you have the ability to fully communicate your truth in the world.

  • Third Eye chakra - Ajna - Sixth chakra
    Color indigo. Location between the eyebrows. Intuition, awareness and guidance are the properties of the Ajna chakra. It governs rationality, wisdom and imagination.

  • Crown chakra - Sahasrara - Seventh chakra
    Color violet-white. Location on top of the head. The Sahasrara represents spiritual connection and Cosmic consciousness and peace. It governs connection with the Divine.
Using main chakras in meditation

The main chakras are often used in meditation because of their special functions. With the help of your chakras you can make a powerful grounding, find (pushed away) unprocessed emotions and engage them, and also gain spiritual insight. When meditating with your chakras it is important to always start with your Muladhara. Then go to the next chakra until you have reached the chakra that you want to in depth work with. At the end of your meditation, follow the route back through your chakras until you reach your Muladhara again.

Why always start with the Muladhara?

The Muladhara gives you your grounding. It keeps your body and soul connected to Mother Earth. If you encounter negative emotions during a meditation, you can let them flow out of your body into the earth through your Muladhara. Mother Earth is completely fine with this. Out of love she is there for you to help you solve negative emotions.


Aquí puedes seguir meditaciones fuertes y cariñosas. Son gratis, aunque correr la voz es muy apreciado :-)


La Muladhara

Una meditación para una conexión buena y estable.

Muladhara Meditación